Sponsor an orphan

Join us on the path to Jannah, the ultimate paradise, by becoming a beacon of hope for deserving orphans. AL ISLAH CENTER invites you to join this noble journey.
Since 2002, AL ISLAH CENTER has been a ray of hope for marginalized orphans, providing them with quality education and essential facilities to unlock their potential, just like children from affluent families. With branches in…

Endowment Campaign

In simple terms, “Waqf” is like a special kind of charity in Islam. It’s when people voluntarily give some of their money or belongings to help with good projects that follow Islamic rules. This money or stuff is kept safe, and the profits it makes are used for good things, like helping people, without ever using up the original gift. Doing Waqf isn’t something you must do, but it’s really encouraged because…

Progress of the Sponsored Orphans
Orphans sponsored so far 67%

Who we are?

AL ISLAH CENTER is a non-profit, non-political, and non-governmental organization since June 2002. We are a visionary organization working on orphan children to make a leader/ leadership of the nation in every field of life; therefore, we are working on the expansion of programs in a remarkable and sustainable shift across and within the country, where AIC work.

Programs and Services

Orphans Care Program

AIC is playing an important role by giving a safe environment, standards of shelter in which they grow, quality of food and schooling, maintaining health needs/ standards, protection of...

Widow Support Program

AIC has a special program for Widows and the poor. On a special occasion, in the month of Ramadan and Eid AIC is supporting widows & poor through the distribution of cash, food, and non-food items...

Humanitarian Assistance Program

AIC is also determined to respond to natural disasters and calamities in Pakistan. After the South Asia earthquake in 2005, AIC was established...


AL ISLAH CENTER is recognized by Pakistan Center For Philanthropy.

Our Vision

"Preparing individuals who can play their role in creating a modern Muslim society based on the Islamic way of life, with their exalted character and refined skills.”


Volunteer to recognize and respect the needs of most vulnerable and socially challenged children of the society; those who lack the blessing of being in parental care, embed them with the fundamental and essential rights of life and eventually help make them constructive and successful members of the society.
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