Widow Support Program

During sacred occasions like Ramadan and Eid, we stand with the vulnerable among us. To date, we’ve distributed over 1,400 Food Packages to widows and offered 2,100+ Eid Gifts to orphans and needy children. Join us in bringing joy and relief to those whoneed it most.

Marriage Program for Orphan and Poor Girls:

Family is the heart of society.AIC assists parents who aspire to see their children married. We’ve sponsored 06 Jahaiz so far, ensuring a dignified start for young couples. Additionally, we arrange simple yet beautiful marriage ceremonies for orphaned girls, covering all expenses.

Qurbani: Sharing the Blessings.
 Our collective “Qurbani” program is a testament to community solidarity. With the generous contributions of philanthropists and Zakat, we’ve benefited 1,260 widows and the impoverished. Together, we share blessings and ensure no one is left behind.

Conference Hall: Fostering Growth.

Our conference hall is a hub of learning and collaboration. It hosts workshops, seminars, conferences, exhibitions, and ceremonies, serving as a catalyst for community engagement and growth.

Join us in building a brighter future together.

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